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Locker Unit with Mail Slots

Mail-slot to each door, stained black internally; Nominally, each locker measures 450mmH x 400mmL; 1 x hinged door per locker (RH hinged); Drilled for adjustable shelves, but no shelves supplied; No handles; Melteca finish (standard options); 18mm construction with 25mm overlay top, 2mm PVC edging; 100mm toe-kick to base, adjustable feet behind; Provides a space for individuals to store their stuff; Mail-box slots enable secure delivery of content; Reduces the risk of theft that can arise when individual items are out in the open; Helps reduce the clutter on the floor space under and around desks; Supports contemporary work-styles, such as hot-desking; Promotes a social environment where team members interact; Reduces the need for storage options elsewhere in the workspace, liberating that space for other purposes; Can act as a wall divider to help define a space without the need for fixedwall; Provides ways to introduce added colour and personality to the workspace

Categories: Office Storage, Lockers,

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The world has changed, and while this presents a number of challenges, the solutions we engineer will generate new opportunities, not least in how we revolutionise the office, but in a way that not only saves time and money, it needs to deliver massive benefits for our health, wellbeing and productivity also.

What is hybrid working?

It’s a combination of old and new. It blends the traditional way of working, as we know it in the office, with modern technology. Ideal hybrid working is tailor-made to fit your personal situation as well as your business needs.  In essence, it allows staff to work from home or the office from day to day, or even within a workday. A company can give workers the freedom to choose when they’ll come into the office, or schedule a rotation, so there’s always a presence in the office while everyone is still getting the job done. This optimisation means better time management…

Saving time

If we go back to the days of our grandparents, they had to travel to work to and from work daily. Before the internet, this was the case for everyone, except for perhaps a few telemarketers. It kicked off with the industrial revolution where everything was about units of production (even people). But the industrial revolution, with all its excesses and exploitations, is long gone. With a choice of working in the office, or working from home, everyone can save time by not having to travel. A worker can be online and connected five minutes after they’ve woken up if they like.  Not only does this eliminate the end-of-day commute, which doesn’t help anybody’s mental health, but considers the benefits to health, safety and the environment when there are fewer vehicles on the road. At the same time, meetings can be organised and held in a matter of minutes, rather than waiting for everyone to gather together after setting space aside to host the meeting. Time is saved on an individual level, as well as for the company because workers can be set tasks and brought into meetings instantly. Having part of the workforce at home also means savings on space, infrastructure, utilities and rent.

 Cost efficiencies

 Companies can vastly reduce costs by reducing the resources required to house a full workforce day to day. According to research by Global Workplace Analytics, hybrid working can save a firm up to $17,000 New Zealand per employee, per year. Less office space is needed if workers come in on alternating days. A business could hold half the workforce they used to on a given day or even just have a small office for high-priority interactions. For a business, this means less spent on rent, maintenance, and even office amenities such as stationery, cleaning supplies, and coffee. On the worker’s side, it means costs saved on travel, parking and maintaining a closet of work clothes for each day of the week.

Peace of mind

By saving both time and money, hybrid working also creates a greater peace of mind. With more time for everyone, money saved, pressure is eased, and the quality of life at a company improves. A happier workforce is a more motivated and focused workforce. This means an overall improvement in performance, both in how things get done and those getting them done.


It’s then safe to say that hybrid working is revolutionising the office by making it more than a place and transforming it into a new, faster, more efficient, and cost-effective way in which to get business done. Setting up a hybrid office is a science on its own. Visit Shape Commercial and Interior workspace solutions for more information.