Business benefits- Engaging with an audience requires dialogue – and that does not happen easily in large group settings; So, today, organisations place less emphasis on formal ‘presentations’ and more dynamic and engaged discussions; With more emphasis on smaller group collaborations often a team will gather around a screen to share info; It enables them to share content and (more importantly) to add the team’s insights in real time so everyone is on the same page; The shared perspective that emerges in real time can shift the dynamic of the meeting, resulting in shorter meetings yet higher engagemen; And because everyone can see the same screen, there is less need to print handouts to share information (so you can save a forest; In an open plan office, noise pollution can drain the energies of colleagues who need to concentrate, leading to protocols to avoid discussions at the desk; Instead, team members need to find a work-space they can use for impromptu catch-ups or planned meetings – and often they need that to happen around a shared-screen; Increasing the percentage of standing-height furniture in the workspace can prompt team members to reduce their sitting time at work, helping everyone to achieve a healthier state of wellnessUser benefits; The Shape-Classic Media-hub system fosters small team interactions in the workspace using a shared-screen to promote shared insights; The Shape-Classic media-hub leaner includes a table at standing height plus an integrated media-wall (for your monitor); It is ideal for interactive sessions that involve collaborative focus work as well as team discussions, especially stand-up meetings and huddle; With the addition of this purposeful workspace-furniture, individuals can take few steps away from the desk to continue their discussions; It provides a spacial (rather than acoustic-absorbing) solution to the problem of noise pollution; The ability to position the media-hub in the centre of the room or against a wall can liberate the workspace designer; You can use the media-wall component of the hub to help define a space in the middle of the room; Whether you position the hub near a floor or wall outlet, you will appreciate the extensive cable-management system in both the media-wall and table-top components; Use the inset power and data box and integrated cable management system to manage the cables and leads that come with the screen and participants’ devices; Add your monitor using the screen fixing-system that is an integral part of the hub design; Access the cables for the monitor through any of the hinged doors (at rear and sides) of the media wall; See your team members highly-engaged in generating, debating or sharing content – not rearranging furniture or tripping over cables; Create an inspiring space that signals the contemporary stance of your team and the importance you place on their shared insights; Shape-Classic Media-hub leaner comprises a media-wall component (with cable management) integrated with a meeting-table at standing height (with inset power and data box).
Rocco Chair
Ash Coffee Table - Round or Square
Steel Rubbish Bin